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The difference between FedEx VS UPS, the most comprehensive encyclopedia of American express delivery in history!

Do you know the end-haul cost of each order?

Do you know which express delivery service is best for you?
Do you know how much you pay the courier company for each order?
Have you thought carefully about what details you can do to save tail-haul costs?
Are you willing to spend 27 minutes with me to analyze American express delivery and optimize last-mile costs?
OK, whether you knew it before or not, but after you read this article carefully, I believe you will know it.
This article has a lot of content, I mainly summarize it into the following 6 major knowledge points:

1. Understand the basic business of the three major express delivery companies in the United States

2、FedEx VS UPS

3. FedEx Ground services and fee composition

4. FedEx Freight services and fee composition

5. Large-ticket products and FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight

6. How can sellers of large-ticket products save logistics costs?

In order to save you reading time, I have cited a large number of pictures and data to help you understand quickly. Please believe me, follow me, and you will be an expert in American express delivery.

If you think this article is helpful to you, please recommend, forward, and share this article with people around you. Thank you very much.

OK, Let's go.

1. Understand the three major express delivery businesses in the United States

Let us first take a look at which express companies there are in the United States? What are the main services provided? This can help us understand the U.S. express delivery industry from a global perspective more quickly.
Three major express delivery companies in the United States:UPS (United Parcel Service), FedEx (FedEx), USPS (United States Postal Service).

Main express services in the United States:Mail, Express, Ground, Freight.

1、USPS(United States Postal Service)

Yes, this is the USPS parcel service similar to China Post. It is state-owned. I have made all USPS services and features into the following table for your convenience to compare and learn.
2、UPS(United Parcel Service)

OK, this one looks like the United States Postal Service (UPS), just one letter apart. It seems, does it feel like they should have something to do with each other? Haha, they actually have nothing to do with each other, they just look alike. UPS is a very famous commercial express delivery company in the United States. I have also made the main services and features of UPS into the following table to facilitate your comparison and study.



This is FedEx, but it has nothing to do with the federal government of the United States. It is just a commercial express company as famous as UPS. It was founded in 1971 by Fred Smith, a young man who loved airplanes. Founded, it is now the world's top two express delivery company. I have also made the following table of FedEx’s main services and features to facilitate your comparison and study.


OK,那我们以 FedEx 业务为例,来详细了解一下不同服务之间的细节。

FedEx Express 和 FedEx Ground 的区别


FedEx Express:空运 + 陆运,空运完成运输,两端由卡车完成揽收、派送。

FedEx Ground:完全陆运,卡车和货运火车完成揽收、运输、派送整个流程。

2)Different positioning

FedEx Express:The main focus is express delivery time.

FedEx Ground :The main focus is on economical packages.

The Difference Between FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight

1)Different positioning
FedEx Ground:The main focus is on economical packages.
FedEx Freight:The main focus is bulk cargo transportation.
FedEx Ground:Packages weighing under 150 pounds and meeting certain dimensions.
FedEx Freight:Usually large goods exceeding 150 pounds or exceeding a certain size, as well as some special products (such as dangerous goods) under 150 pounds.
3)The charging calculation logic is different
FedEx Ground:The origin and destination are in the same zone, the prices are basically the same, and there is a standard set of cost calculation logic (explained in detail below).
FedEx Freight:The price is determined for a single ticket based on the category, size, weight, origin and destination of the cargo.

FedEx Express, Ground and Freight relationship.

Express、Ground、Freight 's sites and resources operate independently, with no sharing or collaboration. The only things that share and collaborate are the brand and customers.

The Past and Present of FedEx Ground

Roadway Package System ( RPS ) ,Founded in 1985 by transportation company Roadway Services Inc., it was later renamed Caliber System. FedEx acquired Caliber in 1998 to complement its existing FedEx Express business.
FedEx Ground It is a subsidiary of FedEx that mainly provides ground transportation services and competes with UPS Ground. In 2000, it was renamed Caliber's RPS package delivery service FedEx Ground.

FedEx Ground 运营模式

 1)FedEx Ground 是通过合作制拓展物流网络,类似国内快递的加盟模式,FedEx Ground 提供品牌技术系统运营方式设备(手持终端等)和定价,并且自营分拨中心,车辆和服务由合作伙伴提供。
2)FedEx Ground Through regional cooperation, suitable partners are found in each region. The partners provide vehicles, personnel and services in the form of a three-year contract. Regional partners are generally exclusive. FedEx Ground will evaluate its service capabilities, levels, costs, operations management capabilities, especially safety management, including transportation process safety management, personnel safety management, package safety management, etc.
3)The regional collection and delivery fees are determined by the partner based on factors such as regional cost, package density, etc., and remain unchanged during the three-year contract period. The prices are different in different regions across the country (here refers to the price paid by FedEx Ground to the partner, and not the price charged to the end customer).

FedEx Ground Pricing to End Customers

1)Pricing for end customers is managed by the FedEx Ground headquarters sales team, and large contract customers can enjoy discounts (such as large overseas warehouses, powerful overseas warehouses, etc.).

2)Regional partners do not have pricing authority, but can help the headquarters develop customers. There is no direct commission reward, but they can increase the business volume and package density in their region, so the strategic goals and interests are consistent.

The difference between FedEx Freight and FedEx Express Freight

1)They are mainly aimed at products over 150 pounds or above a specific size, as well as special products under 150 pounds.
2)FedEx Freight can complete delivery to all areas adjacent to the continental United States, and the price is relatively affordable. FedEx Express Freight can complete delivery to all areas in the United States, including Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, etc., but the price is very expensive.
上面我们讲完了3大快递,大概了解了主要是 FedEx 和 UPS 在争谁是大哥,谁是二哥。那么FedEx 和 UPS 有什么区别?

二、FedEx VS UPS


Data as of the end of 2022

1、Which one is better, direct operation model or independent contractor model (franchise model)?

UPS :采用的是传统员工直营模式。
FedEx :采用的是传统员工的直营模式(空运) +  独立承包商模式(陆运)。
从结果上看:两种运营模式均在特定时期表现很好。直营 VS 加盟的本质不是模式之争,而是要看哪种模式能最大限度地满足主流市场客户的需求,特定市场下运用特定模式是经营的最佳策略。

2、共享网络 VS 独立网络

UPS 从包裹的角度拆分:空运、陆运、国内、国际共享一个网络,业务之间可以相互配合,能够通过最大化网络效率和资产利用率获得竞争优势。
UPS 运营网络模式如下图:

    图片来源:iDrive Logistics
FedEx 从业务的角度拆分:FedEx Express、FedEx Ground、FedEx Freight 等服务都是独立运营的,单独的网络,互不相通。FedEx 客户中有97.1%使用2种或以上的服务,这给 FedEX 带来一种全新的竞争优势。

FedEx 运营网络模式如下图:

图片来源:iDrive Logistics

Finally, what is interesting is that although the logistics network models are completely different, they are exactly the same from the perspective of consumers.

3、FedEx is better for air express delivery, and UPS is better for land parcel delivery?

“ FedEx is better for air express delivery, and UPS is better for land parcel delivery?” 
Have you heard this advice?
Facts have proved that this is really not the case, at least not now.
OK, this misconception may be because FedEx started with timely express delivery by air, while UPS started with powerful ground transportation.
As of the end of 2022, UPS has more than 290 self-operated aircraft, and UPS has also rented hundreds of cargo planes from air cargo companies. FedEx also acquired RPS to form a powerful ground transportation company, which has now been renamed FedEx Ground. .

FedEx and UPS are currently very famous in package transportation and express transportation. Most of their businesses overlap. Air express and ground parcels are their main businesses. Moreover, the two companies have various data such as the scale of air transportation and the scale of ground transportation. They are very close, and the timeliness and price are basically similar (see the price comparison chart below). It is difficult to say which one is much better than the other. It is a competitive relationship in the same echelon.

4、FedEx Prices VS UPS Prices

OK, apart from understanding the strength of express delivery companies, as an e-commerce seller, you are mainly concerned about their prices? How do we choose?

The following is a comparison chart of basic shipping rates for FedEx overnight delivery VS UPS next-day delivery:

Illustrate:If you are not very clear about partitions, you can read previous articles. The logic is that the larger the partition, the more expensive the basic cost.

The following is a comparison chart of FedEx Home Delivery VS UPS Ground basic shipping rates and oversize and overweight surcharges.:

基础费用对比图 1
附加费用对比图 2

Summarize:By comparing the prices of FedEx overnight delivery and UPS next-day delivery, as well as FedEx Home Delivery and UPS Ground, we can find that the price difference between them is actually very small and very close.

5、FedEx VS UPS aging

FedEx and UPS time comparison chart
UPS Ground delivery time, taking the Los Angeles warehouse of our overseas warehouse as an example, it can arrive in 1-5 days:
FedEx Home Delivery delivery time, taking the Los Angeles warehouse of the powerful overseas warehouse as an example, it can arrive in 1-5 days:

Summarize,By comparing the timeliness of different express delivery products, we found that the timeliness of FedEx and UPS is basically the same.

Then we will definitely have a question, which express company is the most suitable for us?

From the above analysis, FedEx and UPS seem to be suitable. The official website quotations and average delivery times are similar. In fact, either company can meet your needs. However, the current business models and company strategies of FedEx and UPS are different. FedEx Ground and UPS Ground is an example. Currently, FedEx offers more overall discounts to its partners than UPS. Medium and large items often use ground transportation services for shipments. For now, logistics partners that provide drop shipping services for medium and large items They will be more inclined to cooperate with FedEx, and of course they will change as the policies change. If it is not a time-sensitive small package business, then USPS is also a good choice.

3. FedEx Ground services and fee composition

Amazon sellers mostly ship small products to FBA warehouses, while large products are more often shipped by themselves or from three-party overseas warehouses. So let’s focus on the express delivery channels FedEx Ground / FedEx Home Delivery that are mainly used for large products.

1. What is FedEx Ground?

FedEx Ground is FedEx ground transportation service. The color of the logo is green. FedEx Ground includes FedEx Home Delivery. They all provide ground transportation of 1-150 pounds, mainly truck and freight train transportation. The price is compared to FedEx Express. , relatively affordable, with a delivery time of about 1-5 days, and the average delivery time is slower than FedEx Express.

2、What is the difference between FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery?

1)Delivery areas are different
FedEx Ground: Delivery to commercial areas.
FedEx Home Delivery:Door-to-door delivery in residential areas.
2)Charges vary
FedEx Home Delivery is subject to additional residential delivery fees and peak season residential delivery fees.
FedEx Home Delivery’s oversize surcharge is slightly more expensive than FedEx Ground’s.

3. What is the charging logic for FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery?


FedEx Ground 和 FedEx Home Delivery 费用组成对比图


AHS = Additional Handling Surcharge (additional additional handling fee)

Whichever surcharge is higher will be used, there will be no superposition.

Please refer to the official website for the peak season surcharge collection time.

4、Base shipping rates for FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery

FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery have the same basic freight. The logic of the basic freight is that the larger the partition, the more expensive the basic freight; the larger the weight, the more expensive the basic freight.
The picture below shows the basic shipping fee list for zones 2-8 for FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery 1-30 lbs.:

5、FedEx Ground 和 FedEx Home Delivery 的附加费

Additional Handling Surcharge = AHS(额外操作附加费)
Oversize Charge(超大包裹附加费)
Residential Delivery Charge = RDC(住宅派送附加费)
Peak - Surcharge(高峰期旺季附加费)
Fuel Surcharge(燃油附加费)
Delivery Area Surcharge = DAS(偏远地区附加费)
Address Collection(地址更正附加费)
Unauthorized Package Charge(未经授权的包裹附加费)    


AHS – Dimensions  超尺:超过以下任意一个即收取此项附加费。



    最长边 + 侧边周长大于105英寸(266.7cm)。

AHS – Weight  超重:超过50磅(23公斤) 即收取此项附加费

AHS – Packaging  异形包裹/不规范包装:不规范包装判断(Packaging),有任何以下一种情况即收取此项附加费。

    Not completely wrapped in an outer shipping container.

    May become entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx sorting system.

    Comes wrapped in an outer shipping container covered with shrink wrap or stretch wrap.

    Be round or cylindrical, including (but not limited to) mailboxes, cans, barrels, tires, drums or barrels.

    Wrapped in soft-sided packaging (such as express packages, polyester bags, and bubble bags) that exceeds 18 inches on its longest side or 13 inches on its second longest side or 5 inches in height.

    Bundled with metal, plastic or cloth straps, or with wheels, casters, handles or straps (such as bicycles) (including packaging in which the outer surface area is loosely wrapped, or the contents protrude beyond the surface area).

    Be wrapped in an outer shipping container made of non-corrugated fiberboard (cardboard) material, including but not limited to metal, wood, canvas, leather, hard plastic, soft plastic (such as a plastic bag), or expanded polystyrene foam (such as Styrofoam).

2)Oversize Charge

    Longest side over 96 inches (244 cm).
    Longest side + side circumference (L + 2W + 2H) exceeds 130 inches (330.2 cm).
    Illustrate:If any of the above two items is exceeded, an Oversize surcharge will be charged. If the weight is less than 90 pounds, the basic shipping fee will be charged at 90 pounds.

3)Residential Delivery Charge

When goods are delivered to residential areas, because residential areas are remote and dispersed, FedEx Home Delivery charges a residential delivery surcharge for door-to-door products in residential areas, with a fixed value charged for each order.

4)Peak - Surcharge(Peak season surcharge)

    Peak - AHS(Additional operating surcharge during peak season)。

    Peak - Oversize Charge(Oversize surcharge during peak season)。

    Peak - Residential Delivery Charge(Peak Season Residential Delivery Fee)。

    Peak - Unauthorized Package Charge (Unauthorized package surcharge during peak season)。

Illustrate:During the peak season time period officially designated by FedEx, the peak season surcharge is added to the original surcharge. If no surcharge is incurred, the peak season surcharge will not be charged. If several surcharges are generated, the corresponding Several peak season surcharges apply.

5)Fuel Surcharge 

Fuel surcharge = all other charges * fuel surcharge rate.

6)Delivery Area Surcharge

Partitioning instructions

The delivery of express delivery in the United States is based on a zoning system. The continental United States (not outer islands) is divided into zones 2-8. Zones 2-8 are mainly determined based on the distance between the shipping place and the receiving place, which is ultimately reflected in the zip code (details Please check previous articles to understand). The divisions of other regions are as follows::

    To Alaska metro, package to Alaska metro, is listed as 9.

    To Hawaii metro, packages to Hawaii metro, are listed as 10.

    To Alaska rural, parcel to Alaska rural, is listed as 11.

    To Hawaii rural, parcel to Hawaii rural, is listed as 12.

    From Alaska / From Hawaii, packages sent from Alaska or Hawaii are classified as zones 13-16, based on distance and remoteness.

Classification of remote areas

The zoning mentioned above is ultimately reflected in the zip code, so FedEx defines remote areas into 6 levels based on distance and zip code:

    Contiguous U.S. (Contiguous Zone), on the home continent of the country.

    Contiguous U.S. Extended (extended area), in the home continent.

    Contiguous U.S. Remote (remote area), in the home continent.

    Alaska, an outer island not adjacent to the mainland.

    Hawaii, an outer island not adjacent to the mainland.

    Intra-Hawaii (inner Hawaii), outer islands not adjacent to the mainland.

Main types of remote area surcharges

As mentioned above, FedEx divides remote areas into 6 levels, but FedEx Ground currently mainly delivers to the continental United States. Outer islands that are not adjacent to the mainland cannot be delivered by ground transportation for the time being, and can only be delivered to the third remote level. A remote area surcharge is required. Surcharges for remote areas are distinguished based on whether the delivery address is a commercial address or a residential address. Different delivery areas have different charges.

FedEx Ground’s main remote area surcharges

    DAS - Commercial(Business)
    DAS - Extended Commercial(Expand business)
    DAS - Residential(Residential)
    DAS - Extended Residential(Extended residence)

    DAS - Remote(Commercial/Residential)(Remote areas)

Illustrate:Postal codes for remote areas can be checked on the official website.
Yes, that’s right, their distinction is so perverted. Not only are remote areas divided into six levels, but each level also distinguishes between commercial areas and residential areas for delivery. However, as e-commerce sellers, we basically deliver to residential areas.

7)Address Collection(Address correction surcharge

If the recipient address provided by the shipper is incomplete or incorrect, Fedex may try to contact the shipper or recipient to find the correct address and complete the delivery, and charge an address correction fee; in addition, if the shipper or recipient actively changes it Address, there will also be an address correction fee, the modification fee is $21 per item.

8)Ground Unauthorized Package Charge

Refers to packages that exceed the size or weight specified by Fedex Ground. These packages are unauthorized and may be rejected and returned to the shipper. These packages will be defined as Unauthorized Packages, and each package will be charged a flat fee of US$1,150.The ultimate goal is to reject the sub-package.

    Any package weighing over 150 lbs.

    Packages whose longest side plus side perimeter exceeds 165 inches.

Illustrate:Exceeding any of the above conditions is an Unauthorized Package.

Therefore, after understanding the FedEx Ground charge details and surcharge rules, without reducing the quality of the product, we can control the product below the size specified by Oversize or even below the size specified by AHS through reasonable design to reduce our last-mile costs. .

4. FedEx Freight services and fees

Since FedEx Ground has various weight, size, and product type restrictions, how do we transport when we exceed this weight size or special goods?

So for this situation, let’s take a look at what kind of service FedEx Freight is.

1、What is FedEx Freight?

FedEx Freight is FedEx cargo transportation service. The color of the logo is red. The main advantage of FedEx Freight is heavy cargo transportation, which is what we usually call LTL (less than truckload delivery/less than truckload transportation).

What is less-than truck load (LTL)?

Zero: meaning scattered. Dan: In ancient times, it refers to a shoulder pole.

LTL: less than one shoulder load, here it means less than a whole vehicle.

From the English meaning, it can be seen that it is a transportation plan that is less than a full truckload, which means that goods that are less than one car can be transported together with other goods. It is called less-than-truckload transportation here. Therefore, LTL transportation means a transportation solution that can be used when a single shipper is not satisfied with a full truckload of goods.

2、What FedEx Freight LTL Fees Are Composed

LTL fee = base freight + fuel surcharge + other surcharges.

On the FedEx official website, take the example of sending 220 pounds of product from the Los Angeles warehouse of the powerful overseas warehouse to the New Jersey warehouse of the powerful overseas warehouse:
数据来源于 FedEx 官网

Data comes from FedEx official website

3、How are LTL freight base rates calculated?

FedEx Freight base freight rates are determined based on the FedEx Freight region, freight class, and size and weight of the cargo.
Relatively speaking, it is a little more complicated and requires a little patience to read.

4、What are FedEx Freight zones?

Based on the place of shipment (via zip code), the corresponding specific zone list is generated through the FedEx Freight zone locator on the FedEx official website. The zone list ranges from 101 to 150. Each area contains a corresponding zip code set. Which zip code set the delivery location is in, you can find the corresponding FedEx Freight zone in the specific production area.
Therefore, the FedEx Freight area is a value from 101 to 150 that is uniquely determined by the shipping address and the receiving address when shipping LTL. This value is used to calculate the basic cost of LTL transportation.
The FedEx official website also provides FedEx Freight area calculation software to facilitate customers to quickly calculate.
Simple understanding: if you know the shipping address and receiving address (zip code), you can know the corresponding area.
The figure below takes the powerful overseas warehouse Los Angeles warehouse as an example. The corresponding specific area list is generated on the FedEx official website:

5、What is LTL freight class/freight classification (Class)?

1)Freight Class Definition

The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) is a standard,Chinese name:National Motor Vehicle Freight Classification Standard。It is a standard that provides a comparison between goods when transporting goods via less than truckload (LTL) freight within the United States, interstate, and foreign trade. This standard is used to identify and classify the goods shipped. This classification mainly Help customers obtain fairer prices when transporting goods. It is conceptually similar to service levels or service categories in many other industries.

This standard is defined by The National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA)Chinese name::National Motor Truck Association (NMFTA) 。This standard is the LTL freight class (Class)

2)How to evaluate freight class?

Based on the evaluation of four transportation characteristics: density, ease of handling, ease of loading, and size of liability, consigned goods are divided into 18 grades, ranging from low to high, ranging from 50 to 500. These characteristics together constitute the commodity "transportability". The lower the freight class, the lower the freight required.

图片图片来源 Freight Snap


3)Four Characteristics Explained for Evaluating Freight Class

Density:The formula for calculating density is, density = weight (pounds)/volume (cubic feet), which is the ratio of the space an item occupies to its weight. Generally, the higher the density, the lower the freight grade; the larger the volume, the higher the freight grade.

Handling(Ease of operation):The main consideration is the level of care required when transporting items. If the item is fragile, requires special attention, or has hazardous properties, it will be in a higher freight class and cost more to ship.

Stowability(Loading capacity):The loading capacity of items depends on how easy it is to transport the goods together with other goods and whether the space can be maximized. Perishable, flammable or dangerous goods are regulated and cannot be transported with certain materials, which reduces space utilization, and goods with lower loading capacity will be assigned a higher freight class.

Liability(Responsibility):It refers to the potential liability of the carrier when transporting this cargo. Items that are of higher value or are more likely to be stolen or damaged tend to be in higher freight classes and cost more to ship.

Simple understanding: As long as you know what the product is, as well as its size and weight, through a set of logic/rules, you can determine the corresponding freight level.

4)View Freight Class Rates

Each freight class has a corresponding rate. Freight class rate FedEx official website download address:

6、How to determine freight class?

1)It can be summarized into the following three steps:

Know the types of merchandise you want to ship.

Measure pallet dimensions (length, width, height) and weight.

Calculate Density = Weight (lbs) / (Length * Width * Height) (feet).

2)The following is an illustration from the FedEx official website:

3)The process of calculating density is as shown below



4)The following is an example of calculating freight density levels (assuming the product type has been determined)


7、Base fee schedule based on FedEx Freight zones

1)What the FedEx Freight Basic Fee Schedule Does

The base fee for FedEx Freight LTL is determined based on the known FedEx Freight zone, freight class, and weight.

2)The logic of the basic fee schedule

Different freight classes correspond to different fees, freight classes range from 50 to 500,Each level has a corresponding fee schedule.

Under the same freight class, different FedEx Freight zones correspond to different fees. The minimum fees for 1-150 pounds and over 150 pounds are different. The final fee is determined based on the rate calculation of the FedEx Freight zone segment corresponding to the weight.

For some remote areas, door-to-door collection and delivery require additional fees. Remote areas are divided into eight levels A - I, and each level has a corresponding postal code (you can check it on the official website).

The figure below shows the fee details based on freight class 50 (50 Class).:


Simple explanation: Find the fee schedule under the corresponding freight class, and then determine the corresponding basic fee based on the FedEx Freight area and weight segment.

8、How is base shipping determined based on FedEx Freight zone, freight class, and weight?

1)The logic of determining the basic freight: take the smaller value of the fee calculated by actual weight and the fee calculated by alternative weight as the basic fee.

Actual weight:Find the range of actual weight, then divide the actual weight by 100, then multiply by the cost per hundred pounds for that range.
Instead of weight:Find the next higher range of actual weight, divide the lowest weight value in that range by 100, and multiply by the cost per hundred pounds in that range.

2)Isn’t that a bit generous?

Below we take a product with a freight class of 70, a FedEx Freight area of 101, and a weight of 950 pounds as an example, and use FedEx Freight Priority data for calculation (the cost is taken from the fee table corresponding to the freight class of 70 in the figure below):

Actual weight (950 lbs) chargeable is: 950 / 100 * 102.72 = $975.84.

The fee chargeable in lieu of weight (1000 pounds) is: 1000 / 100 * 68.4 = $684.

Finally, 684 < 975.84, then the base fee is $684.



FedEx Freight sets corresponding surcharges based on different scenarios and needs, with a total of 100 items.
For example: if delivery is still required after business hours, a surcharge will be charged, and for dangerous goods transportation, a surcharge will be charged, etc.
The following two pictures show descriptions of some surcharge items:


Description of LTL surcharge in screenshot part
FedEx Freight LTL surcharge item download address:

Fuel Surcharge

Fuel surcharge fluctuates with time, fuel surcharge = (basic freight + other surcharges) * fuel surcharge rate.

10、Why is LTL freight class important?

Categorizing freight classes provides important upfront information to LTL carriers. Based on freight class, they can determine if they have the right equipment, the right capacity, and better provide pricing estimates so shippers can calculate costs.

11. How to reduce the LTL freight level?
Check your pallet stacking to ensure you are maximizing your pallet space. Each layer of product on the pallet should reach exactly to the edge with no "overhang".
Make sure you classify your items correctly and display the correct NMFC code for the corresponding category. The carrier may charge the class listed on the BOL or the actual class shipped, whichever is higher.

Are you using the best packaging for your product? The more "open space" there is within a package, the less dense your shipment will be. In some cases, better packaging means a more cost-effective grade of shipment and may also better fit/protect your shipment, thereby reducing potential damage to your shipment while it is in transit, thereby saving you money.

OK, I finally analyzed the basic situation of express delivery for you. I hope you have a new understanding of American express delivery so that you can further optimize your costs.

5. E-commerce large-ticket products and FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight

1、Definition of bulky products and relationship with FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight

Standard large size is:The longest side is 18 inches, the second longest side is 14 inches, and the shortest side is 8 inches. Standard product weight: 20 pounds. If the weight and size of the product exceed this range, it is considered a standard oversized product (taken from Amazon standards).
18*14*8 inches, 20 pounds (45.7*35.5*20.32 centimeters, 9 kilograms). Anything larger than this size is basically transported by ground, and the FedEx channel is FedEx Ground / FedEx Home Delivery.
Special large piece size is:The longest side is greater than 108 inches, or the longest length + side circumference (L + 2W + 2H) exceeds 165 inches, or the weight or volume of a single piece is greater than 150 pounds, or some special products that are inconvenient to be transported by express delivery (such as dangerous goods) ), all belong to special bulky products.
Special large items must be delivered using special delivery methods due to their size, weight, special handling requirements or other restrictions. 108 inches, 150 pounds (274 centimeters, 68 kilograms). Anything larger than this size will basically go through the freight channel, and the FedEx Express channel is FedEx Freight.

2. Product type

FedEx Ground / FedEx Home Delivery only ships regular products within the specified dimensions. FedEx Freight can carry oversized items, irregular products, some dangerous goods, etc., and must be palletized.

6. How sellers of large-ticket products can save logistics costs

Through the above analysis of U.S. express delivery, some small suggestions from overseas warehouses for large-ticket sellers can minimize the logistics cost of the last leg. This is just a suggestion. Welcome to contact us for in-depth exchanges.

1、Control size
According to the express surcharge AHS and Oversize Charge charging rules,On the premise of ensuring product quality, appearance, and practicality, optimize product size. The longest side after packaging should not exceed 96 inches (244 cm), and the longest side + side girth should not exceed 130 inches (398 cm). .
If it can be controlled so that the longest side does not exceed 48 inches (122 cm), the second longest side does not exceed 30 inches (76.2 cm), and the longest side + side girth does not exceed 105 inches (266.7 cm), it will save costs even more. .
2、Optimize packaging
The purpose of optimizing packaging is also to control size. Large-volume products often require additional packaging to ensure their safe arrival, but excessive packaging may increase logistics costs. Low-quality or soft packaging materials stacked in warehouses can easily deform the appearance of the goods. When express companies use laser scanning, the actual size of the product will be increased, and in severe cases, the product may even be damaged. So using high-quality, strong packaging can effectively avoid these.
In addition, try not to use packaging tapes in the outer box of the product, because the packaging tapes may become loose during transportation, affecting transportation, or may damage other express delivery, so the express company will require products with packaging tapes to be wrapped in plastic film.
3、Looking for high-quality overseas warehouse cooperation
The unit price of large products is high, so overseas warehouses with high accuracy are the guarantee for sellers to do long-term business. The cost of each wrong shipment is generally at least 5 times the profit of a normal shipment.
Delivery efficiency affects store credibility. Only good credibility will bring a good product sales rate.,A good product sales rate can effectively reduce inventory backlog. Reducing inventory backlog not only reduces warehouse rental fees (or even does not incur them, because the powerful overseas warehouses provide long-term warehouse rent exemption), but also reduces inventory costs and increases cash flow. Therefore, overseas Warehouse delivery accuracy and efficiency are very important.
4、Optimize every detail of the supply chain
E-commerce is a closed-loop business flow from front-end to back-end. Logistics costs are reflected in the entire supply chain. The supply chain completes the entire process from factory procurement to the buyer signing for the goods. There are many nodes in the middle of this link. By optimizing one link a little bit, the optimization effects of each link can be superimposed, eventually causing a qualitative change. This is what we usually call the eighth wonder of the world.—— Compound interest effect
Thank you very much for reading this article. I believe you have a strong concept of American express delivery. When designing e-commerce products later, we can have more reference directions so that we can design products that save logistics costs without loss. quality product.
Note: For everything stated in this article, the final right of interpretation belongs to Zhenpai Smart Logistics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited, otherwise liability will be pursued.
We encourage everyone to repost it. If you want to reprint it, please contact us and we will send you overseas warehouses.


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